Shoulder Pain in Barossa Valley

Shoulder pain and injury can be very complex. Tanunda Physio & Health will make your path to pain free function simple.

Shoulder pain will rarely get better on its own. It is very common and regularly mis-managed – leading to long term problems.

You need someone capable of providing a personalised treatment program for fast pain relief and effective long term prevention.

Tanunda Physio & Health have therapists trained in treating the shoulder. We will mix hands-on treatment with an individualised rehabilitation program to give you the best results.

shoulder, sports injury, shoulder pain
The types of shoulder pain we regularly help include:
  • Subacromial shoulder impingement
  • rotator cuff injury (tears, strains)
  • shoulder bursitis
  • surgery prevention and rehabilitation (rotator cuff repair, shoulder arthroscopy, shoulder replacement, shoulder reconstruction, and more)
  • shoulder dislocations 
  • tendinopathy
  • bursitis
  • Muscle tears (long head biceps, deltoid, pecs)
  • And more…
Treatment may commonly involve:
  • joint mobilisation (loosening)
  • massage
  • pain relief techniques
  • taping
  • education and advice (including or self management)
  • dry needling
  • an individually tailored strengthening and stretching program
  • Clinical pilates
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • AxIT Strength Testing

We will give you a clear understanding of the diagnosis, cause, expected recovery and the treatment plan required – including for self management and prevention of recurrences.

What to expect when you see us:

At Tanunda Physio & Health, we are highly skilled therapists who understand shoulder pain.

Your therapist will perform a thorough movement assessment to determine the source and cause of your shoulder pain and provide treatment for fast-effective relief and long term management.

We will listen to you to understand how your problem is impacting you and what you need from us to live your life without shoulder pain.

Book your appointment today

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