Home Pilates for Swimmers

Pilates is fantastic as a land based, low impact and specific strength and conditioning workout for swimmers of any level.

These exercises easily replicate the strength, control and movement patterns required for effective swimming.

The bonus of Pilates is that it can be easily added into a training schedule with minimal risk of overload or detriment to the athlete.

The overall coordination and balance of the whole body is vital for effective swimming and can be achieved by mat pilates.

Below are our 3 favourite home pilates exercises for swimmers

These exercises are performed 1-2 times per week focussing on form and endurance, using any level of the exercises but do it correctly. 

Table Top Leg Extensions

The first exercise is a fantastic core burner. The main thing to be conscious of is keeping your low back flat whilst doing the exercise. If you are unable to then do smaller leg movements or have the other leg supported on the ground. Reps of 10 sets of 3-5 until that core really burns.

Dead Bugs

Simply raise the arms and straighten them alternatively over head in coordination to the opposite leg (from the previous movement) Again keeping your lower back flat.  

We can then progress this movement to ‘Dead bugs’ to incorporate arm movements across a diagonal.

Prone Extensions

The next exercise is lying on your front and mimicking a ’freestyle’ posture.

Again super important to press the front of your hips into the floor to ensure the core is activated in the movement.

Starting with arms by your head, lifting the head and chest from the upper back.

Next progress to moving arms out straight over head with chest lifts. Then progress to lowering and raising the arms alternatively like freestyle arms.

Then we’ll practice the leg lifts, squeeze the buttock alternatively to raise and lower the straight leg like kicking. Again keeping the front of the hips pressed into the floor.

Don’t over arch your lower back. We can now join it all together in an alternating, coordinated diagonal.

Reps of 10 with sets of 3-5 or until unable to keep correct form. 

We work with swimmers regularly and will provide you with an individualised exercise program including more basic or advanced movements to suit your training or injury needs.

To recover from or prevent injury, or to improve your times in the pool, contact us now for an appointment!

Book your appointment today

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