A common question we discuss with patients is what weight they should be using for exercise. Whether that be as part of a rehab program,…
How do we help foot pain?
Foot pain can be one of the hardest injuries to overcome!
Most of us are on our feet all the time! All the force of our body constantly going through a small area.
You can’t just easily rest because you need to move and our feet are our vehicle!
Foot pain rarely just goes away on its own. And when it does, it usually comes right back, often worse than it was before!
Foot pain is common in sport, daily life and ageing. When it comes to overcoming chronic foot pain, the questions we are asked time and time again are:
“Why do I still have this pain after months and it’s only getting worse?”…
“Will I have to give up doing the things I love like playing sport, hiking or playing with the grandchildren?”
“Is there anything I can do to not have this pain”
We don’t just look at the foot. Most foot pain is caused by what’s happening higher up the body.
The foot is our point of contact with the ground. It’s the last part of the movement chain. When your core is poor, when your hips lack control, those areas just pass the problem down the body to the next link in the chain. By the time it gets to your foot thats it, all the stress on poor control takes its toll at that point.
This is why most people don’t recover well from foot pain!
We know this, and we find and treat the cause of your pain, not just the source.
Your therapist at Tanunda Physio & Health will perform a thorough assessment of your ankle and surrounding areas to determine the source and cause of your problem and provide treatment for fast-effective relief.
We will listen to you to understand how your problem is impacting you and what you need from us to help you perform your daily tasks without pain.
You will be given a clear understanding of the diagnosis, cause, expected recovery and the treatment plan required including for self management and prevention of recurrences.
Treatment may commonly involve:
- joint mobilisation (loosening)
- massage
- dry needling
- taping / bracing
- specific exercises (strengthening, stretching, controlled loading)
- education and advice (including self management)
- strength and conditioning
- balance retraining
- clinical pilates
- footwear advice
Common foot problems we help include:
- sporting injuries
- plantar fasciitis
- “heel spurs”
- post-fracture/break management
- ligament injuries
- nerve pain
- surgical rehab
- Muscle tears
- tendinopathies
- and more…
Book your appointment today
We genuinely care about helping you live a life without foot pain. We will help you move better, feel great and stay your best.