How would your life be better without headaches?

Headaches can be debilitating.

Sometimes they can just be nagging but don’t go away.

So often they are recurring, and you may even be able to predict exactly when it will return. 

Sometimes they are unpredictable, except you know it will return at some point and you dread the thought.

Does any of this sound like you (you probably wouldn’t be reading this if it didn’t!)

Do you feel like you have tried everything?

Do you feel like you have tried everything?  

At Tanunda Physio & Health we can offer you a solution!

Safe & effective. No medication, non-invasive and does not require injections. 

It involves a series of non-manipulative techniques that do not involve cracking the vertebrae.

Will physiotherapy fix your headache?

We know that a majority of headaches are related to the neck.

It is these headaches that are expected to improve from our treatments at Tanunda Physio & Health.

That’s a pretty good chance already that we can help you with your headache!

Your headache may be triggered by stress, mensural cycles, bright lights, loud noises, anxiety or many other factors.

In these cases, it is often the issues in the neck that make your brain sensitive to these stimuli and as a result vulnerable to them causing headaches. 

Once we establish this link and improve the neck, you will no longer be impacted by these inputs like you are now.

What Next?

Our patient’s are regularly amazed about the difference we can make to their lives. 

No longer are they living life under the cloud of a headache and they wish they had found this solution much sooner!

If you want to join them in experiencing the benefits of a life without a headache, contact us now!

Book your appointment today

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