Stop annoying or restricting shoulder pain WITHOUT injections, relying on pain killers or surgery!

Everybody we see who is suffering from shoulder pain wants to know:

“Why is this happening to me?”…

“Why am I still suffering with shoulder pain after putting up with it for 6 months?” – often more!…

Most people think that when they get shoulder pain, it will go away on its own.

You rest, maybe even continue with what you were doing, but 6 months later you’re still living with nagging pain even worse than it was when it started.

Another situation we see regularly is people go to the doctor and are told to rest or to “try these painkillers” to “see how it goes”. Then 6 weeks later, they return because it hasn’t got any better, then being sent to get a cortisone injection to “fix” the problem. Again, this often has no effect or a short term benefit.

At this point, many people unfortunately just accept they have to live with shoulder pain. They’ve “done all they can” and now just have to work around it.

Does this sound familiar? Why is this such a common story?

The shoulder is a very complex joint. It has to provide a huge amount of movement but at the same time maintain stability. It involves quality function of many different muscles to move and support it. Importantly, the shoulder joint does not act alone, it relies on surrounding areas working well, and all functioning as a coordinated unit.

All of this has to be considered to understand the cause and most appropriate treatment for shoulder pain. An injection to the site of pain ignores these factors. It’s like changing a car tyre and not fixing the wheel alignment – you haven’t fixed the problem and it will simply return quickly (in the case of shoulder pain, thats if your lucky enough for it to go away at all!)

Whether you have just hurt your shoulder or have had chronic shoulder pain for months, even years, we will help.

The shoulder can be a very confusing part of the body to work out where the problem is, even for experienced therapists.

Your therapist at Tanunda Physio & Health is trained to the highest standards and understands shoulder pain.

Your physiotherapist will perform a thorough movement assessment to determine the source and cause of your shoulder pain and provide treatment for fast-effective relief and long term management.

We will listen to you to understand how your problem is impacting you and what you need from us to help you live your life without shoulder pain. Don’t alter your life to avoid pain, build your ability to tolerate the things you want to do.

You will be given a clear understanding of the diagnosis, cause, expected recovery and the treatment plan required- including for self management and prevention of recurrences.

Treatment may commonly involve:

  • joint mobilisation (loosening)
  • massage
  • pain relief techniques
  • taping
  • education and advice (including or self management)
  • dry needling
  • an individually tailored, progressive exercise program
  • Clinical pilates
  • Strength & Conditioning

The types of shoulder pain our therapists regularly help include:

  • Subacromial shoulder impingement
  • rotator cuff injury (tears, strains)
  • shoulder bursitis
  • surgery prevention and rehabilitation (rotator cuff repair, shoulder arthroscopy, shoulder replacement, shoulder reconstruction, and more)
  • tendinopathy
  • bursitis
  • and more…

Book your appointment today

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