Treatment of Ankle Injuries in Tanunda, Barossa Valley

Injuries to the ankle, including the achilles are very common both in sport and from repetitive strain of life in general.

Ankle sprains have a very high rate of reinjury and we will show you how to prevent that.

Most people think that when they get ankle pain, rest alone will fix it. This usually isn’t the case and when it does, pain and injury at the ankle has a very high rate of reinjury.

The correct treatment and advice that we provide at Tanunda Physio & Health will ensure you do the right things early in your recovery to allow for fast healing and give you the opportunity to complete a high quality rehabilitation that reduces the chances of further injury.

Common ankle problems we help include:
  • sporting injuries
  • sprained ankle
  • achilles tendinopathy
  • achilles rupture
  • surgical rehab
  • nerve injuries
  • post-fracture/break management
  • Muscle tears
  • tendinopathies
  • and more…
Treatment may commonly involve:
  • joint mobilisation (loosening)
  • massage
  • dry needling
  • taping / bracing
  • specific exercises (strengthening, stretching, controlled loading)
  • education and advice (including self management)
  • strength and conditioning
  • balance retraining
  • clinical pilates
  • AxIT strength and power testing

We will give you a clear understanding of the diagnosis, cause, expected recovery and the treatment plan required – including for self management and prevention of recurrences.

What to expect when you see us:

At Tanunda Physio & Health, we are highly skilled therapists who understand ankle pain.

Your therapist will perform a thorough movement assessment to determine the source and cause of your ankle pain and provide treatment for fast-effective relief and long term management.

We will listen to you to understand how your problem is impacting you and what you need from us to live your life without ankle pain.

Book your appointment today

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