GLA:D – Best Treatment for Hip & Knee Arthritis in Tanunda, Barossa Valley

Do you suffer from hip or knee pain? No longer able to enjoy the things you’d like to do?

Are you considering or trying to avoid hip or knee surgery? Recovering from surgery, or have ongoing pain after surgery?

Tanunda Physio & Health’s GLA:D hip & knee arthritis programs provide a better alternative to suffering ongoing knee pain, reduced quality of life and preventable surgery.

Who is GLA:D for?

GLA:D (Good Life with Arthritis: Denmark) is a program for all people with any hip and/or knee osteoarthritis symptoms, regardless of severity.

Proven Benefits of the GLA:D program

Research into the GLA:D program has shown:

  • 32% reduction in symptom progression.
  • 24% reduction in pain
  • reduced use of pain killers, and
  • less people on sick leave.
  • 32% increased physical activity levels (at 12 months after starting the program)
  • high levels of satisfaction- 95% participants continued to apply what they learnt
What does the GLA:D program involve?

The GLA:D program is based on the latest evidence from osteoarthritis (OA) research.

OA Treatment in Australia usually focuses on surgery.

The GLA:D program offers a proven better and safer alternative. It is unique as the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities.  By strengthening and correcting daily movement patterns, you will train your body to move properly, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.

Why is exercise important?

High levels of physical inactivity are reported in Australians with osteoarthritis.

Exercise and increased physical activity provide symptomatic relief, improve quality of life for Australian’s with osteoarthritis, and prolong the need for joint replacement.

If completing the GLA:D program you will receive:
  • A first appointment explaining the program and assessing your current functional ability
  • Two education sessions which teach you about OA, how the GLA:D exercises improve joint stability, and how to retain this improved joint stability outside of the program
  • Group neuromuscular training sessions twice a week for six weeks to improve muscle control of the joint which leads to reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life

Book an appointment today

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