Why does my back pain keep coming back?

Does this sound like you?

“Why do I still have back pain after putting up with it for over 6 months?”

“Why does my back pain keep coming back?”

Most people think that their back pain will just go away on its own. They expect to wake up one morning and it’ll be as if back pain never happened…

But 6 months later you’re still living with back pain.

Maybe it does go away eventually but then it returns again and again, often even worse than when it first came on.

Why does back pain last longer than it should?

There is a lot of misunderstanding about back pain and how to best manage it and this contributes to why so many people suffer from chronic low back pain.

It’s easy to get confused because there are so many “experts” telling you different things. Lots of people are happy to give advice – we’ve all got experiences to speak from – but not all of it is accurate or helpful.

You may have been told to just rest, take some pain killers and see how it goes.

This is not an effective way of treating back pain. You generally return in 6 weeks, possibly told to rest more, or take stronger pain relief. Maybe to have a scan (which in most cases doesn’t change or inform your treatment).

If you do get relief, you are back to having back pain again weeks or months later, often stronger than it was before.

Maybe you think your back pain was caused by doing something in particular

An activity such as lifting or sleeping awkwardly?

It was more likely caused by years of poor posture that caused the muscles in your lower back to become weak. The inability to tolerate lifting or the awkward sleeping position was then the RESULT of that.

Back pain is common. Many people end up accepting it as ‘part of life’ – as if it’s normal, and alter their activity to suit the pain. That’s not the way it should be!

At Tanunda Physio & Health, we are highly skilled therapists who understand low back pain.

Your therapist will perform a thorough movement assessment to determine the source and cause of your back pain and provide treatment for fast-effective relief and long term management.

We will listen to you to understand how your problem is impacting you and what you need from us to live your life without back pain.

Don’t alter your life to avoid pain, build your ability to tolerate the things you want to do.

We will give you a clear understanding of the diagnosis, cause, expected recovery and the treatment plan required including for self management and prevention of recurrences.

Treatment may commonly involve:

  • joint mobilisation (loosening)
  • massage
  • pain relief techniques
  • taping
  • education and advice (including or self management)
  • dry needling
  • an individually tailored, progressive exercise program
  • Clinical pilates

Book your appointment today

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