Thoracic Wedge: How to use

The Thoracic Wedge is designed to complement physiotherapy management as it can be used for self mobilisation (loosening) of the upper back.

These are ideal for anyone with:

  • everyday discomfort in the upper back caused by gardening, computer work, manual labour, sedentary lifestyles, etc
  • a stiff upper back contributing to other problems.

How to use your Thoracic Wedge

Spend approx 30seconds on each level, moving to different levels throughout the spine.
Up to 5mins daily as tolerated.

  • Lay on your back with wedge positioned centrally (spine in groove, mid back-upper back region)

  • Lock lower back in neutral (flat) position 
    • Lift bum and tilt/roll pelvis back
    • Feel back flatten on ground and wedge

  • Hands Behind head or across chest
    • Behind head supports head so may be more comfortable

  • Extend over wedge

      The movement must come from the upper back (specifically the area at the top of the wedge and the lower back should remain flat and still)
      • If the lower back starts to arch (lift off bed/wedge), this reduces the effect at the area being targeted in the upper back
      • Not need excessive movement: localise to the point at top of wedge
      • If go all the way to ground you will extend in lower back
      • The lower in the spine the wedge is, the further from ground you will naturally be due to that angle

  • Spend approx 30secs at each level

  • Move up and down spine to move to different levels
  • Initially you may feel direct pressure on the painful points around your spine which may produce slight discomfort.
  • You may also feel aching, a “good pain”, spreading discomfort away from the site of pressure and occasionally a crack or pop. 

  • Don’t be alarmed by these sensations. 

    • This product is designed to target these areas and when you have finished using the wedge you may feel relief of pain, more flexible and the ability to sit or stand with better posture.
    • We often simply feel like I can stand up taller or like a weight has been taken off our shoulders/upper back 

  • You may feel slight muscle soreness similar to that felt after exercise or a massage, this is acceptable and should reduce after 1-2 days.

    • If this discomfort does not reduce or you experience a new symptom, please cease use and consult your physio immediately.

  • If the discomfort is too much (either during or after using the wedge), adjust the pressure you use when leaning back into it

View our FREE How To Use Your Thoracic Wedge Handout.

When you might use your Thoracic Wedge:

  1. Early stages of treatment. Used between early treatments and correctly, a Thoracic Wedge may help to accelerate your early improvements. Note, however, they wont always be appropriate in the acute phase so discuss with your physio.

  2. Throughout treatment. Again, using between sessions can help to enhance your benefits. Not only speeding up your recovery, but also helping you self manage as your appointments are spaced further apart and/or your treatment plan moves on to focussing more on preventative exercises.

  3. After discharge. Take your physio home with you and self manage reduce the chances of recurrence. Use regularly to maintain flexibility or when a pain starts to first appear, pull this out as your first line of self treatment.

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