Back Pain Treatment in Barossa Valley

Back Pain is one of the most common problems people experience and the most common problem we help.

Many people accept their pain as normal but it doesn’t have to be. People often think it will go away on its own and while sometimes it does, it eventually returns and often worse than the first time.

Don’t let your pain stop you from enjoying the things you love.

Tanunda Physio & Health can help you get fast effective pain relief and a long term solution so you can live your life without worrying about your back.

Back Pain assessment
The types of back pain we regularly help include:
  • Low Back
  • Upper Back
  • Muscle strain
  • Facet Joint Strain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spondylolythesis
  • Spondylitis
  • Scoliosis
  • Disc “buldge” / herniation
  • Spinal Stenosis (narrowing)
  • Fracture
  • Radiculopathy (referred pain from back into the legs or arms)
  • Nerve impingement
  • Sciatica
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • and more
Treatment may commonly involve:
  • joint mobilisation (loosening)
  • pain relief techniques
  • clinical pilates
  • massage
  • taping
  • education and advice 
  • dry needling
  • an individually tailored, progressive exercise program
  • strength and conditioning
  • self management strategies

We will give you a clear understanding of the diagnosis, cause, expected recovery and the treatment plan required – including for self management and prevention of recurrences.

What to expect when you see us:

At Tanunda Physio & Health, we are highly skilled therapists who understand your pain.

Your therapist will perform a thorough movement assessment to determine the source and cause of your pain and provide treatment for fast-effective relief and long term management.

We will listen to you to understand how your problem is impacting you and what you need from us to live your life without pain.

We will give you a clear plan of how to put this all together!

Book your appointment today

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