Looking for a long term solution for long term hip or knee pain? You will be GLAD you read this!

If you are looking for a solution to hip or knee pain that is proven, cost efficient and doesn’t involve surgery, we have the answer for you.

For too many people we work with, hip and knee pain stops them from getting the most from their life.

Many people are resigned to suffering from this pain and it being a part of “old age”.

Well that isn’t true!

Walking the dog, playing with the grandchildren, working in the garden, continuing to be able to perform your job.

These are all common things people come to us with problems with and we can help them return to activity in.

At Tanunda Physio & Health, we run GLA:D exercise classes as part of a proven, long term solution to ongoing hip or knee pain and arthritis.

Find out more about what the GLA:D program is and how it can help you enjoy the things you love.

GLA:D is a program for all individuals who experience any hip and/or knee osteoarthritis symptoms, regardless of severity. 

What does GLA:D involve?

Education and exercise program reflecting the latest evidence in osteoarthritis (OA) research.

  • A first appointment explaining the program and collecting data on your current functional ability 
  • online education sessions which teach you about OA, how the GLA:D™ Australia exercises help, and how to retain this outside of the program 
  • Group exercise training twice a week for six weeks 
  • improved muscle control of the joint which leads to reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life 

Visit our GLA:D services page for more information

Ready to live a life without your hip or knee pain holding you back? Book for your initial consult now!

Book your appointment today

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