Task Analysis – Know what the job requires to prevent injury in your workplace and save money

A task analysis is a valuable part of any comprehensive workplace injury prevention strategy.

Tanunda Physio & Health can provide these services to your business in the Barossa region.

What is a task analysis?

Task analysis is an assessment of a job and/or specific tasks within a job to objectively outline the physical requirements of the workers performing the task.

The exact method and detail can vary based on the intended use of the information.

Why do a functional analysis of a task?

A good quality task analysis by an Occupational Physiotherapist from Tanunda Physio & Health will help you to:

  • identify and reduce injury risk factors of a task
  • summarise job demands
  • compare worker capabilities to task demands to make objective decisions about a workers ability to perform a specific task or job
  • design job-specific functional assessments (link to page)
  • develop targeted risk management activities

When to do a task analysis

  • Initial equipment and task design so the users’ capabilities can be incorporated into the design.
  • Identifying worker requirements to assist with job placement and return to work decisions.
  • Designing job-specific functional assessments (link to page) to relate findings to the job demands of a worker
  • Following workplace injury to confirm that the task is being done the way it was intended and identify areas to reduce future risk of incident.
  • Changes in equipment or processes that have potential to alter the requirements of a task
  • Development of training and procedures to ensure tasks are performed as intended to minimise risk of incident

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